CDC Releases Direct Evidence that Vaccines Cause Food Allergies

I have questioned before whether (1) are allergies present before the vaccine is given and it triggers more issues with the body like ADHD, Regressive Autism, or auto immune disorders. Or (2) are the vaccines causing the allergies and then in turn also causing the rise of Regressive Autism, ADHD and other auto immune disorders. These are really two different scenarios. Are the vaccines only part of the cause or the entire cause? And what has changed that is causing this to happen? Is it the ingredients or is there another issue, like GMO food? Is there a chain reaction? Because for someone to say we used to get vaccines and nothing would happen to present day were all these children AND adults are having issues, something HAS changed and we need to figure it out and fix it! Here is an article released by the CDC with direct evidence, just follow the link below.

Direct Evidence From the CDC that Vaccines Cause Food Allergies

About rescueangel

I am a mom of two beautiful children, one of which developed regressive autism. We have recovered him and one day they may even call his form of autism something else. But I believe there are things we could learn from this and stop the rise of autism and even help the ones that already have it, like we did for our son. My mission is to get what I know out there for whom ever may need it.
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